Insta Funny

hello! mak bz uols... kena kejar kat opis tu itu ini... nak buat macam mana kan, makan gaji, bila tak siap keje jadi bahan gossip la mak ni, bukan dorg try to understand why... but up to the lah kan, u are the bos...

hari ni baru la settle semua, kali ni dah paham dah, buat pape kena email, dont trust anyone because when u notify them verbaly means u are talking using an alien language where they cant understand, never understand or they will forget. or maybe they will say u never ever notify them... so by now... email! email! email!

dah habis keje aku pon buka la insta nak cuci mata, i mmg follow retis kat insta ni uols sbb banyak info. i follow si fazley tu sbb he is very posotive person. it is good to follow a person that can give u good influence right?

tengah dia buat entry untuk meneka, aku pon view lah komen2 org nak teka tu... skali aku ternampak satu komen tu

"biji getah. ok bai"

huhu korg should go n serach biji getah, very lagend one tau. kalau korang tau apa guna biji getah tu u cant imagine how it can be use as macaron ingredient.... lol. this comment cheering me up!


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